Monitoring Indicators & Evaluation Indicators
Monitoring Indicators are those indicators that can be used to monitor the progress of a program/project. They are usually the indicators at the output level. Monitoring indicators should ideally be such that they can be measured at short intervals (half-yearly, quarterly or even monthly basis), thereby enabling close monitoring. They should also be easy to measure, in the sense that they should not involve too much of manpower or resources for their measurement. Monitoring indicators are also called Performance Indicators as they reflect the performance of the program/project and also of the people directly responsible for the same.
Evaluation Indicators are those indicators that can be used to evaluate a program/project. They are usually the indicators at the outcome level. Given the worth and the utility of evaluation indicator, it is legitimate to have them measured less frequently. Nor do they show any significant change within a short span of time. They reflect change of trend or behavior and are therefore best and meaningful, if measured on biennial or triennial basis. Evaluation Indicators can actually tell if the program/project has brought the desired outcomes or not.
Evaluation Indicators are those indicators that can be used to evaluate a program/project. They are usually the indicators at the outcome level. Given the worth and the utility of evaluation indicator, it is legitimate to have them measured less frequently. Nor do they show any significant change within a short span of time. They reflect change of trend or behavior and are therefore best and meaningful, if measured on biennial or triennial basis. Evaluation Indicators can actually tell if the program/project has brought the desired outcomes or not.